WG 3 Mye-Disease

Photo: © German Biobank Node

The first main task of WG 3 is to provide clinical expertise and high-standard clinical samples from patients with DACI for the testing of myeloid cell-associated biomarkers. The second main task of this WG is the further enrichment of current biobank catalogues with searchable information on immunobiological features of archived biosamples.

Working Group 3 has the following specific tasks:

  1. Definition of those DACI that are most appropriate for analysis in the context of this Action.
  2. Identification of feasible existing sample collections with the parameters defined under 1 and with a governance that allows the use of samples and data in the context of this Action.
  3. Conception of a questionnaire for a comprehensive query in already existing registers (such as BBMRI-ERIC) regarding the re-use or second use of biosamples outside the original context in the absence of broad consent.
  4. Parallel compilation of the parameters used in existing biobank registers for characterisation and search for biosamples. Based on this, creation of an adapted catalogue for the characterisation of biosamples with regard to myeloid cells. Identification of biobanks within the BBMRI-ERIC Directory, which have biosamples with immunological characterisation and information on the cellular composition in their inventory and query the utility of this material.
  5. Identification of critical meta-information and guidelines for data curation together with other material.
  6. Establishment of a register for existing biosample and data collections.
  7. Preparation of a guideline for the future conceptualisation of biosample and data collections with immunological characterisation.
  8. Hosting of a training school with focus on the standardised collection and documentation/processing of biosamples and the use of these samples for biomarker development and validation.

These tasks will be achieved through the following activities and networking tools:

  1. In a joint effort with members from WG 1 text mining tools and published literature will be used to generate a knowledge background on the role of myeloid cells in DACI. Next, together with clinical colleagues, a prioritisation of diseases will be done. Relevant clinical experts within the Action will be identified or newly recruited. Once novel data from database work of WG 1 becomes available, additional DACI may be considered.
  2. With the other WGs, potential network members with biosamples collections will be identified and collections must be evaluated. As a mandatory requirement for integration into Mye- Register the ethical (consent, governance) and data protection requirements are reviewed, applied for and obtained, if necessary.
  3. Conception of a questionnaire regarding the re-use or second use of biosamples in close cooperation with national or European biobank nodes.
  4. Screening of European consortia (such as BBMRI-ERIC), various national solutions and commercial providers of biosamples with respect to their search catalogues and their usability in the Mye-Community Development of a practical catalogue for the characterisation of biosamples with regard to myeloid cells.
  5. Identification of biobanks with relevant biosamples for DACI questions via existing directories. Commercial providers will also be taken into account, if necessary.
  6. Selection of several experts (clinicians, pathologists, immunologists, biobankers, IT experts) to create a catalogue of material descriptions.
  7. Query within the Action network whether and to what extent biosamples and data collections are available that can be made available for broader use.
    • Examination of ethical and data protection aspects for the establishment of a register. The involvement of representatives from the ethics committee, data protection experts and patient representatives in this process should help to establish processes that will enable the broad use of samples and data outside the original study in the future.
    • Standardisation of data from retrospective collections.
    • IT implementation of the registry.
  8. Based on the work of WG 1 and WG 2, guidelines for the standardised and characterisation of biosample collections with an immunological focus will be developed.
  9. In collaboration with all other WGs, a training school on the technical and theoretical issues of biobanking, biomarker development and biomarker validation will be organised.

Leaders of WG 2 and 3 will attend conferences on DACI to present the Action and recruit clinicians with the interest, expertise and capacity to transfer the clinical testing of SOPs and biomarkers.

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