Let's Talk About Myeloid Cells!
by SciComm
Photo: © Mye-InfoBank 2025
Participants from over 21 countries joined Mye-InfoBank's second virtual conference organised by young researchers for young researchers, gaining insight into myeloid cells across the spectrum from bioinformatics to basic research to clinical settings as shared by the speakers Chiara Lattanzi (The transcriptomic profile of suppressive neutrophils), Alexander Dietrich (Cell-type deconvolution using omnideconv), Thibault Hirsch (Study of the immune contexture during perioperative immunotherapy of NSCLC), and Vinton Cheng (Focused ultrasound: stimulating an immune response against brain tumours). The event kicked off with Amiram Ariel's mentor talk on serendipity as a driving force in scientific research, and was excellently moderated by Ebru Kocakaya, Agata Mlynska and Jan Aleksander Krasko.