Young Researcher Spotlight #4

by SciComm

Marcela Hortova Kohoutkova

Marcela Hortova Kohoutkova is currently working as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the Cellular and Molecular Immunoregulation group (@FricLab) at the research institute FNUSA-ICRC (@FNUSA_ICRC) in Brno, Czech Republic. She obtained a master's degree in immunology at Masaryk University and continued her PhD studies in the field of neuroscience focused on the inflammatory role of Schwann cells in the peripheral neural system.

Marcela’s current postdoctoral research focuses on understanding how metabolic processes control inflammation progression. She aims to integrate these molecular mechanisms together with the role of myeloid cells and their signaling pathways involved in the progression and maintenance of sepsis.

Mye-InfoBank is Marcela’s first COST Action, and she is involved in the WG 3 Mye-Disease. The Fric Lab focuses on the myeloid cell functionality and metabolism in various inflammatory conditions including septic shock. Due to a lot of experience with patient sample processing and biobanking several patients' cohorts, she also participates in WG 2 Mye-SOP.

Photo: © Marcela Hortova Kohoutkova/Mye-InfoBank



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