Young Researcher Spotlight #3
by SciComm
Florent Petitprez

Florent Petitprez studied at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) and AgroParisTech (Paris, France) and obtained engineering degrees in bioinformatics and biotechnology. Following these, he engaged in a PhD in immunology at the Cordeliers Research Centre and the French League Against Cancer in Paris, which he defended in November 2018. His project was centered on the microenvironment of solid tumors, in particular B cells and tertiary lymphoid structures.
Florent is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UK), where he applies and develops computational approaches to study the diversity and clinical impact of tumor-associated macrophages in various cancer types, notably using spatially-resolved transcriptomics technologies.
Mye-InfoBank is Florent’s first COST Action, and he is involved in the Mye-Matrix working group, where he is putting his computational skills and experience developing deconvolution methods to good use. He is also part of the Mye-Dialogue working group, taking good care of our Twitter account.
Photo: © Florent Petitprez/Mye-InfoBank