With the Atomium on the Horizon

by SciComm

Photos: © PR-B/Mye-InfoBank 2023

Can and should myeloid cells be turned into trending social media stars? If so, who forms their fan base, and how are they best reached? CA20117 Mye-InfoBank benefitted enormously from the excellent tailored SciComm coaching offered by the PR-B duo, Tania Sanchis Giménez and our newly-recruited Mye-Dialogue member, Sven Hauser.

The COST Mye-InfoBank WG 4 (Mye-Dialogue) meeting was kindly hosted at the HQ of COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology in Brussels. It was an inspiring exchange of ideas and SciComm strategy-building with Ebru Kocakaya, Jan Kraśko, Duygu Keremitçi, Delia Cosgrove, Thibault Hirsch and Andreas Kremer on site and with Florent Petitprez and Marcela Hortova-Kohoutkova joining the group remotely. A huge thanks to COST for graciously putting their high-tech facilities at our disposal.

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