Establishing marker panels for myeloid cells in chronic inflammatory diseases

by SciComm

Photos above: © Espen Sønderaal Bækkevold/Mye-InfoBank 2023

A main output of WG 3 MYE-DISEASE is to facilitate the transformation of complex molecular data on myeloid cell signatures into biomarker panels employable in clinical diagnostic applications. To this end, researchers from each of the “cell-type-centric” STSMs held earlier this year have met up at Espen Sønderaal Bækkevold's lab in Oslo to work on the immunostainings of tissue antigens.

The group of scientists hailing from Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom are establishing and testing protocols for 6-plex immunofluorescence stainings which can be implemented in the Action members' labs for the scaled analyses of tissue specimens from relevant disease specimens.

Photos below: © Espen Sønderaal Bækkevold/Mathias Schmidt/Mye-InfoBank 2023

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